Training Delivery
Experience gained in the delivery training across a wide-range of courses including: Executive Problem Solving and Decision-Making, Communications Skills, Time Management, Management Development, and Leadership.
Broad Financial services experience in delivery of training in The Business and Principles of Banking, Mortgage Loan Origination and Processing, Private Banking, Customer Service Training, Banking Product Knowledge, Corporate Finance, Investing in Securities, Mutual Funds, Annuities, and Personal Money Management.
Military experience as an instructor at an Air Force Leadership School.

Corporate Training Experience
As an instructional designer/training development consultant, work with clients to define training needs, then design, develop and deliver training in a wide-range of courses corporate courses including:
Management Development, Leadership, and Communications Skills.
Additional training development/delivery experience for courses in Program and Project management, Quality Assurance, Innovation for Project Managers, Finance for Project Managers, Scope Management, Project Leadership, Risk Management.
Vendor Management, Contracting for Project Managers, Contract administration and Negotiation of Contracts for Services.

Recent Courses
Recent courses developed for a client:
Using ChatGPT at work
Introduction to Generative AI and Machine Learning
Generative AI Tools and Platforms
Writing Effective Prompts for Generative AI
Advanced Prompt Engineering Techniques
Fine-Tuning Generative AI Models
Generative AI for Data Augmentation
Building AI Chatbots with Generative AI
Using Generative AI in Technical Writing
AI for Student Success
Building Leadership Skills
If you would like more information on how I develop courses or need a course developed, contact me at: floydsaunders9@gmail.com

Expertise in Training
As an instructional designer/training development consultant, work with clients to define training needs, then design, develop and deliver training in a wide-range of courses across the Financial Services Industry. Experienced in Retail, Commercial and Investment Banking. Additional experience in Corporate Finance, Custody, Securities Settlement, Annuities, Mutual Funds, Insurance, Taxes and Accounting. Training expertise developed in higher education, corporate and military settings.

Training Design
As an instructional designer/training development consultant, work with clients to define training needs, then produce training design documents used to guide course development.

Training Development
Working as an instructional designer to develop training in a wide-range of courses across several lines of business in the financial services industry including courses in Management Development, Leadership, Capital Markets, The Business of Banking, Mortgage Loan Origination and Processing, Private Banking, Banking Product Knowledge, Corporate Finance, Investing in Securities, Mutual Funds and Annuities.
Additional expertise in developing courses in Program and Project management, and Vendor Management.

Higher Education Experience
As an adjunct Professor I have taught courses in:
Principles of Management
Managerial Accounting
Personal Finance
Money and Banking
Principles of Banking
Project Planning.

Financial Services Experience
As a training development consultant, work with clients to develop and deliver training in:
Capital Markets, The Business of Banking, Mortgage Loan Origination and Processing, Private Banking Credit Training, Private Banking Customer Service Training, Banking Product Knowledge, Corporate Finance and Personal Money Management.
Manager for sales marketing and influence management courses.
Development and delivery of courses in: Principles of Banking, Money and Banking, Introduction to Securities, Investing in Securities, Banking on Mutual Funds and Annuities.