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Reader Reviews of
Five Paths To Wealth

Check out what some of the readers of
Five Paths To Wealth
are saying about the book on really simple ways to invest for a secure future.  


Good Reads Reviews 

"In the pathway to financial independence, unbiased guidance is very important. One would welcome getting advice from people who do not have a vested interest, such as professional financial advisors. This is where Floyd Saunders steps in, with his latest book “Five Paths to Wealth”. . . However, one thing this book can and does help is in providing a good basis and understanding for diving deeper into the stock market. What sets this book apart is that it lays a proper foundation of knowledge in simplistic terms, while providing guidance for more reading and learning as well. Mr. Saunders is not reluctant to quote other financial gurus who have published books and advice in the past. He weaves it all nicely together to capture the attention of the people looking to gain an initial foot-hold or looking for ideas to diversify. To that extent, this book is a must-read.  Read more of this review.


Other Reviews 

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the Five Path’s to Wealth by Mr. Saunders.  It is a bit hard for me pinpoint specifics on what I learned and enjoyed but making a general statement that I enjoyed the book is too generic. 
Mr. Saunders covers lot of investing concepts and tips in simple terms which can be complex.

There are multiple examples of how to start the multiple streams of income which can help a person start investing. Most people have this idea that investing take a lot of money, this book show multiple ways start investing with $5 -$30 $100.
One of the other valuable information in the books is brief reviews of various app to use for investing.  I learned a lot about the various types of real estate investing, Stocks, compound interest, etc. I highly recommend this book for anyone that wants to start their journey to better their financial life. “ - Tariq Azmi, Founding Partner, EmberTechnology

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